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Proud Lakeside School

This school by the lake has 680 students and continues to stand proud. Despite the closure of large, foreign mining companies and the increase in student migration, the school community works together well and remains committed to a quality education.

Safe Haven School

This capitol city school sits right next to the soccer stadium and acts as respite from daily life for students in the difficult surrounding neighborhoods.

Outskirts of the Capital City

This school is well organized, and serves families who often work as day laborers in construction, housekeeping or in the nearby landfill.

Biggest library this year!

With 856 students, this will be the largest school we help this year in Comayagua, near the airport.

Historic Girls’ School

Library Inaugurated! This library helped a historical girls’ school get access to over 2,000 books. Thank you for helping us achieve this dream together!